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News / Corporate responsibility materiality assessment was completed

Corporate responsibility materiality assessment was completed

Gasgrid Finland Oy, together with its stakeholders, performed a materiality assessment of corporate responsibility in October 2020. The stakeholders responded to a survey about responsibility themes, which Gasgrid Finland had preliminarily identified as important from the perspective of its operations and the industry.

The participants of the survey were asked to answer many questions verbally. From the answers, we received valuable views for the development of our responsibility work. We also included media content in the analysis, as well as answers to the surveys previously conducted by the company relating to strategy work, among other things.

Stakeholders set the responsibility themes into order of importance, after which Gasgrid Finland’s management team evaluated the importance of the themes in relation to the company’s business operations in their workshop. The important themes had been well identified when preparing the survey. Based on the survey results, the management team added the theme “equal treatment in the markets”.

The stakeholders identified the reliability of the gas supply, the personnel’s professional skill, preparedness for emergencies, as well as safety throughout the supply chain as the most important factors.

We thank everyone who took part in the survey. We utilise the results of the materiality assessment in the preparation of Gasgrid Finland’s first responsibility report as well as in the responsibility programme to be further developed next year.

Appendix: The relevance of Gasgrid Finland’s responsibility themes

Gasgrid Finland is a Finnish state-owned company and transmission system operator with system responsibility. We offer our customers safe, reliable and cost-efficient transmission of gases. We actively develop our transmission platform, services and the gas market in a customer-oriented manner to promote the carbon-neutral energy and raw material system of the future. Find out more:
