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Transmitting energy.

Hey you - join the H2 force

We are responsible for the entire Finnish gas transmission network and take care of the safe and reliable transmission of gases in our country. The gases also pass through our underground pipes in your area. Please always contact us when planning work in the vicinity of the gas pipeline – it is completely free of charge.

Remember gas pipeline badge

Our operations in brief

We are a Finnish state-owned company and transmission system operator with system responsibility. We offer our customers safe, reliable and cost-efficient transmission of gases. We actively develop our transmission platform, services and the gas market in a customer-oriented manner to promote the carbon-neutral energy and raw material system of the future.
Read more about us here.

Kartta maakaasuverkosta Suomessa.
GWh/d: maximum transmission entry capacity
km of pipeline, 9 compressor stations in 4 different locations
GWh line-pack of Finnish transmission system
connection points
GWh: Highest daily transmission volume in 2022
TWh of energy supplied in 2021
MEUR turnover in 2021
tonnes of methane emissions prevented in 2022
Outages, injuries or environmental incidents in 2022*

* Unplanned outages, injuries suffered by the company’s own personnel