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Ajankohtaista / Gasgrid Finland has activated Inkoo LNG delivery service – gas network status is currently stable

Gasgrid Finland has activated Inkoo LNG delivery service – gas network status is currently stable

Gasgrid Finland activated Inkoo LNG delivery service yesterday on February 8th. By the Service, 35 GWh of LNG was purchased by the TSO for mitigating the risk of inadequacy of gas next week before the upcoming LNG vessel arrives in Inkoo and for ensuring sufficient market-based system balancing. 

Consumption during the period of 1-8 (included) February was around 470 GWh. Daily consumption was approximately 92 GWh on February 7th and approximately 93 GWh on February 8thOn February 9th at 07:00 EET, Inkoo Terminal inventory was approximately 380 GWh. Gas network status is stable. 

Please note that Floating LNG Terminal Finland has published a release concerning the results of spot slot allocation which will be delivered between 10-11 February:


Gasgrid Finland on valtionyhtiö, joka toimii järjestelmävastaavana kaasun siirtoverkonhaltijana Suomessa. Tarjoamme asiakkaillemme turvallista, luotettavaa ja kustannustehokasta kaasujen siirtoa. Kehitämme aktiivisesti ja asiakaslähtöisesti siirtoalustaamme, palveluitamme ja kaasumarkkinoita edistääksemme tulevaisuuden hiilineutraalia energia- ja raaka-ainejärjestelmää. Lue lisää:
