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Ajankohtaista / Important market information concerning the market status in Finland

Important market information concerning the market status in Finland

On 12th of February at 07:00 EET, Inkoo LNG terminal inventory was approximately 215 GWh. Market is currently operating fully on a market basis. By this notice, Gasgrid Finland is giving a warning concerning the increased risk of inadequacy of commercial gas in Finnish gas system if there will be a delay in discharging the next LNG vessel planned to arrive on Tuesday, February 13th. On 12th of February at 07:00 EET, commercial inventory at Inkoo LNG terminal was approximately 145 GWh.

Due to the forecasted strong breeze for next few days, there is risk that LNG carrier might be restricted to enter the port and moor which might cause delay for next scheduled delivery. Floating LNG Terminal company assessed the sufficiency of commercial LNG for the next days and concluded that there is a risk that the commercial inventory might be withdrawn before next commercial cargo.

Gasgrid Finland as a Transmission System Operator with System Responsibility has earlier activated Inkoo LNG terminal LNG delivery service. Thus, Gasgrid Finland has physical LNG inventory of approximately 70 GWh for maintaining the system balance and security of supply. The inventory enables continuity of gas flows and the supply of balancing gas on February 14th, if commercial gas runs out. 

 If commercial gas will be run out, the price of balance gas will be determined based on the consumption level and the estimated start time of discharging the new cargo. 

 Consumption on February 9th: 88 GWh; February 10th: 76 GWh and February 11th: 68 GWh.

 Gasgrid Finland will keep market participants informed about the development of market situation. 

Links to the published UMMs:

Gasgrid Finland:

Floating LNG Terminal Finland:

Gasgrid Finland on valtionyhtiö, joka toimii järjestelmävastaavana kaasun siirtoverkonhaltijana Suomessa. Tarjoamme asiakkaillemme turvallista, luotettavaa ja kustannustehokasta kaasujen siirtoa. Kehitämme aktiivisesti ja asiakaslähtöisesti siirtoalustaamme, palveluitamme ja kaasumarkkinoita edistääksemme tulevaisuuden hiilineutraalia energia- ja raaka-ainejärjestelmää. Lue lisää:
